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To help you discover you and to empower you to become

your best you


EVERYONE will find themselves in a hard "ladder" place at some point in life. It can be a drudge to work through the experience alone, especially when you don't understand what is going on.  Can you get stuck? Yes! Do you need help? Absolutely! Asking for help can be tough. I know cuz I've been there! If you don't want to keep slowing down destiny's pace, then let's connect. You really don't have to do this alone! Let me point you to the "elevator" so you don't have to keep climbing the "ladder"

Ladder Moments are
precious moments.

MLYE is a personal growth hub where we recognize the evolution of your discovery, learning and growth journey . We create and nurture spaces focused on empowering you to disconnect from experiences that stall your growth so you can finally start living your extraordinary life fully and fulfilled.

Hey Sis

you got this!

I'm Elle and I love ladder moments! 

I'm a mom,  and author!

As a Life Coach for women and a daughter of the Most High God, I help my clients discover the solutions within them so they can take charge of their lives. Oh and those Ladder moments, they  allow you to reflect so you can recognize the levers that unlock our breakthrough.

The journey to our great places is achieved in great spaces where we allow each other to share, heal and dream together while lifting each other up. Join us as we nurture a place where our collective ladder climb becomes each other's elevator ride.


You don't have to journey alone.


you may feel broken but you are not shattered. You are beautifully broken

Making Mug

"You may not control all the events that happen to you but you can decide not to be controlled by it."

Maya Angelou


          "The function of freedom is to            free someone else."

Toni Morrison


"Our Stories cling to us. We are shaped by where we come from."

Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie 

In Break Up, I present a glimpse into the complexity of divorce's impact on our life journey and the importance of swift rehabilitation. It is a thought-provoking analysis of and perspective on the dimensional impact of relational collapse. I challenge the reader to resist the urge to stay disoriented after divorce and encourage you to transition into bigger, better, and greater. The best awaits you!
21 NEW MOCK UP D.png
Help spread the love to preserve
and accelerate the healing

HE sent HIS word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Psalm 107:20 KJV



"This book should be part of every marriage counseling curriculum! Couples serious about marriage need to be given a full preview of the potential destruction of divorce that could be waiting for them on the other side of marriage. It’s the precautionary tale that can save marriages and lives. At the same time, this book needs to be read by every one who has experienced a divorce. This book reveals that the true shame isn’t from being divorced but from letting it define you to the point where you give up on living out your God-given purpose. Whether single, married or divorced, this is a book in season for everyone. The ultimate point I took from reading this is that regardless of what stage of life we may find ourselves in, we must always strive to live out our God-given identities to the glory of God!"

Michelle Takyi

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