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Broken spaces have a voice!

Why do we lend broken spaces a permanent residence when in fact it is a temporary idea? I don't know the answer but I know a sequence for fixing.

Breaking is a sequence and can be very traumatic. I think sometimes we refuse to acknowledge it because of the shame of failure and the possible rejection from a community that may not understand. And so we hide behind "i'm fine or I'm alright" and carry on as usual; the whole time shattered inside.

If we are going to get on track and heal, we have to acknowledge it for what it is. It happened whether it was our fault or not. The fault bearer is not the most important here as you can see and that is because everyone played a part, whether actively or passively. Whatever the situation, it's occurrence is non negotiable at this point.

Next recognize it's deposit and impact. What was deposited is occupying space. Now, you have to decide, if you will let the thing that is occupying space, amplify it's voice and become significant in your life. Will you let anger become bitterness, dislike become hate; and the list goes on.

My recommendation? Deal with it and heal from it. Be careful with coping mechanisms that lull you into numbness. I am not suggesting this is an easy process because it takes time! it takes time but start somewhere. Pace yourself and find your heal tribe. May I suggest going to God for instruction from the good old manual, the Bible? Yes, all sustainable healing is available there because He has sent His word to heal our diseases.

Now don't hide behind the work you are doing. Get out of the mental shackle spaces that withhold you from growing and get back in the game!

Govern your broken space so it does not govern you!

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