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UnCut Diamonds!

Updated: Apr 30, 2022

I have been thinking about all the times I have rushed out of things because it felt uncomfortable or just plain tiring! I never paused to ask myself "why?". I was rushing out until recently and chose to take a pause and reflect.

I was just reflecting on life, and its turns, bends, highs and lows. I was trying to categorize my experiences and crystallize their purpose. In the process, I found a marker called "impatience". I was hurrying through things that needed to be savored; rushing because I felt I had had enough of the disruption and discomfort.

But why do we rush so much?! Well, in reflection, it is clear that these were the very things funding my growth. Yes, I wished I could just run through it instead of growing in it, and for the most part, the challenges were unwelcome. But hindsight is 20/20, and the processing reveals the precious!

This journey may feel long and tedious and exhausting but pause, my dear! Did you not know that diamonds are sharpened, gold is heated, plants are pruned so they can become the best version of themselves?

Yes‼️ You are a precious UNCUT diamond. Let the cutting progress, embrace it, and be in expectation because when it is done... OMG... the beautiful will emerge!

Dear precious one, let the pressure do its work cuz God got this mehnn‼️

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